
Tus Ojos...

Here is a poster I did for advanced type. This version is slightly different than the one that is up in CJ (I was told that my colors were too bland in the original).

Here is the original so you can compare.

Leave me a comment... tell me what you think. Which one do you like?



Anonymous said...

i like them both... but i dno, im a bigger fan of the muted colors. The only thing id say is try a brighter blue or something cause the blue kinda fades into the background a bit. Really though, theyre both pretty sweet

Anonymous said...

yeah i agree with ashley about the blue and liking muted colors. but instead of liking them both like her, i like the original one much more. i like the staurated background on the new version but i think all around the original is a better piece.

-Will P.

Adam Tamte Volker said...

That second one (top one/green one) really makes me twinge. It could be used to your advantage though depending on the emotional impact you want the colors to have with the text. On the green one the colors really make the "o"s vibrate. I would agree the muted one is easier on your eye but your olor chioce makes the mood of the text more specific. like is it dirty gross i want to use your esophagus like a straw (green one) or I am gonna smile and wear these khaki pants as your neck crunches in my hands (muted one). I guess I am just stressing the mood color implies. your keeping it to the point and thats refreshing

Dustin d'Arnault said...
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Dustin d'Arnault said...

hey man i like the colors on the brighter one much better, thought that yellow is bright as shit. very out of the box for you, so i urge you to keep messing with new color palletes. good shit bro.