
So you wanted new work.

So I've been told that I need to put up some new work.

Here's the deal. Im in a rut. Bad. Can't say I have done anything really worth showing... but you guys asked for it so I'll put some stuff up.

Here is a sequence I did for my 8texts book.

(click to see it)

Here is a flash website I did on how the rotary engine works.

(click to open website)

Here is a magazine feature article about the Florida House.

Here is a more experimental (if u can call it that) magazine layout for two opposing articles: One written by David Barringer and one by me.

thats all for this semester so far.

Oh and another thing... I picked up a couple ADDY awards... 3 golds 2 silvers... a best in category and a best in show. No big deal.

